You are aware that 5 to 10% population of the country is
suffering from one or the other types of disabilities. Out of
them, loco motor disability is commonest. Polio is still the
commonest contributor amongst locomotor disabled. With the
recent effort to eradicate Polio through launched Pulse Polio
Program, a high hope has been generated amongst all of us to get
Polio free India in new millennium. Polio infection occurs in
the early childhood and the disability resulted thereof lasts
for whole life. It results socio-economic impacts on individual
and the society as well.
The first Pulse
Polio Immunisation (PPI) program started which has ben going
on, in the country since 1995. The success of PPI in trems of
coverage, reach, quality & cooperation between the Govt.,
NGOs, private sectors and the community has been found
integrating. However, according to the opinion of Health
Ministry, Polio virus is still active albeit in small measure in
every state and substantially in the states of Rajasthan, M.P.,
U.P., Bihar, Assam, W.B., Orissa & Gujarat.
In view to
eradicate the Polio, PPI program was reviewed at high level and
it has been decided that to step up the PPI program considerably
during 1999-2000, for reaching the goal to zero incidence of
Polio, four Pulse Polio days in the month of October, November,
December 1999 and January 2000 in the above 8 states needs to be
The main objective of program is that not a
single child should miss the immunisation and leaves any chance
to Polio occurrence.
One of the
measures, suggested and where we can play an important role for
making PPI program successful, is in locating children including
the disabled, who had not been immunized in earlier programs,
through house to house search. As the Ministry of SJ&E has
also been requested to make the proposed PPI program successful,
we request you to collaborate/coordinate in whatever/wherever
possible manner with the PPI program in your region. You may
contact the nearest Health unit/office through district
administration in this regard to extend your support.
Being an active
organisation, you may generate social mobilization to ensure
full coverage of all children including the disabled one,
residing in your area of operation.
We would,
therefore, request you to extend your all cooperation to make
the program a real success by getting all children (aged below 5
years) immunized on the Pulse Polio Days in your area.
Your this
endeavor will be a real investment in eradication of Polio a
commonest dreaded locomotor disability.